The Sad Ballad of The Single Mom

2 min readNov 23, 2018


Courtesy Image of Unsplash

I lost my job

and it was not my fault.

I was with the same company since I was 20

And It was good for many years.

I showed up, I worked, I made people happy

I finally had purpose in my life.

Then one day my boss called me

And said he was letting me go,

Part of a downsizing operation.

Nothing personal, he said,

They just didn’t have room for me anymore.

I left that company managing 17 employees,

Who were directly under my responsability.

I’m a single mom and

Since my benefits have expired,

I have had to walk away from my apartment for rent

With all of my son’s and my belongings.

I now live with my elderly grandmother in her small condo;

My son and I sleep on an air mattress in the front room.

I look for work every day,

Even though I have no money to get around.

I have to borrow some money here and there just to get my son to school.

There have been times when I didn’t even know how my son and I would ate at night.

The emptiness within, grows deeper

and my world keeps on getting darker,

day by day.

The tunnel I am travelling under has no light at the end,

or rather, the light keeps on getting dimmer and the tunnel keeps on getting darker than before.

I’ve been having thoughts of ending it, to end my pain.

I have been contemplating committing suicide.

I feel like the place that I might end up in would be so much better than here.

Others can enjoy living in this world,

but not me.

I feel like I am already a dead mom walking,

I’m so tired,

I wish to sleep forever until the end.





Writer, Author, Psychologist, Career Coach

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